Our Process

For many of our clients, building a custom home is a new experience. We’ve put together a step-by-step guide on what you can expect during the process with Baker Elite.

Phase One | Dream It.

It all begins with a vision. Maybe you already have a set of finalized floor plans. Maybe you have a sketch drawn on a piece of paper. Or maybe you just have thoughts in your head. Whatever it is, we can work with it and turn it into reality. We will discuss your timeline and overall budget as well as ask you to fill out our Client Questionnaire so we can learn the most about you and your project.

Phase Two| Design It.

Once the Design Contract and plan retainer are received, the design team will take the lead! Based on our discussions and your Client Questionnaire, we will start drafting floor plans for your review. This step can be time consuming, but it is the MOST important as the plans will encompass everything needed for construction. It is important you communicate often so we can ensure the design is perfect for you and your family.

Phase Three | Finalize It.

After the plans are finalized, Baker Elite will present you with a proposal for the price of the home as designed in Phase Two. Many factors can affect price including the property, square footage, specialty features and outdoor spaces. If proposal amount exceeds your desired budget, we will go back to Phase Two and adjust to get back into range.

At this stage, you may also purchase the full set of plans if you decide building at this time isn’t the best option for you. If a new layout is requested at any point, payment for the original plans will be requested.

Phase Four | Build It.

At this stage, the Build Contract will be executed, and the detailed set of plans will be signed by all parties. This set of plans will be known as the final plans and used throughout construction.

Depending on the size and complexity of the home, construction can take from 8 to 18 months. At this stage, the client will get to make selections on various items such as fixtures, hardware, paint colors, etc. If you are not interested in making the choices yourself, Baker Elite offers full design assistance as an alternate to your build contract.

Phase Five | Live It.

The time has come! We will do a final walk-through with the customer as well as start the loan closing process and final funding, if applicable. Once this is complete, move-in day is scheduled.